Alchemizing Curiosity: Turning Curiosity into Gold
with The Mary Group

Immerse yourself in this transformative series, Alchemizing Curiosity, where The Mary Group guides you to turn your curiosity into gold, activating this powerful tool of creation. Join us in leaning into a union that not only explores the how-to of embracing curiosity but partners with you to thrive in the fluid and open exploration of life's questions.

You Save $60 on the regular series fee of $449! Register by 02.12.24 to secure the discounted rate of $389. Don't miss this fantastic opportunity for substantial savings on your personal & professional development.*Use code AC$60 now through 02.12.24

Embark on an Exciting Six-Week Journey with The Mary Group launching on Tuesday, February 27th.

Join us via Zoom at 7:00 PM CST on Tuesdays for insightful sessions on February 27th, March 5th, 26th, April 2nd, 9th & April 16th. Please note there will be no sessions on March 12th and March 19th.

Join us for this transformative experience!

Saturating How, What, Who, When, Where, Why
with curiosity and choosing every time

Week I
February 27th

HOW Unveiled:
Navigating Momentum with The Marys

Immerse yourself in How Unveiled, where The Marys lead the way in unlocking the true potential of 'How' as a dynamic force for creation. Lean in and stimulate your authentic relationship with the momentum of 'How,' discovering its richness and power as a transformative tool in your journey of self-realization. Join us for a guided exploration that empowers you to harness 'How' for meaningful and purposeful creation.

Week II
March 5th

WHAT Inward:
Unleashing Answers Through Curiosity

Embark on a transformative journey with What Within, a course that guides you to tap into the magic within yourself. Activate your innate ability to connect with the "what" in all matters, realizing that the answers are always in your hands. Explore the power of curiosity and self-discovery, unlocking a stream of insight that leads to a deeper understanding of your own potential.

Week III
March 26th

WHO Within:
Rediscovering Connection in Creation

Journey with Who Within, where you rediscover your original ability to breathe life into the matrix of creation. Unleash the natural and continuous pathway of connection with the "who" in your creations and explorations. Join us in summoning a deeper understanding of the individuals you call in or are curious about, unlocking a richer experience in your creative endeavors.

Week IV
April 2nd

WHEN Unveiled:
Navigating Time with Curiosity

Dive into the mystery of time with When Unveiled, a course that encourages full curiosity and availability for blending your dreams with the vibrational strands of "when" in creation. Explore the art of anticipation and unrestricted landing places, unlocking the secrets of timing to enhance your creative pursuits. Join us on a journey where the elusive nature of time becomes a canvas for your dreams and aspirations.

Week V
April 9th

WHERE Revealed:
Illuminating Spatial Perspectives

Explore the journey with Where Revealed, inviting you to ruffle through the folds of shadow and light to open your eyes to spatial relationships in your creative endeavors. Delve into the nuances of physical details and nonphysical momentum, expanding your perception and understanding of the "where" in your creations. Join us in illuminating the intricacies of space as a key element in your creative process.

Week VI
April 16th

WHY Unleashed:
Embracing Curiosity in Life's Tapestry

Launch on a reflective journey with Why Unleashed, where you ponder the "why" of all things past, present, and future. Engage with an opened brilliance and fluid life force, streaming through your veins and awareness, as you connect the dots or create new ones in life's intricate tapestry. Join us in embracing curiosity as the guiding force to uncover the profound meaning and purpose behind the threads of existence.

Alchemizing Curiosity

Without curiosity, nothing would exist.

Freeing your Spirit to blend with your curiosity is the key to unlocking pure Alchemy.

Registration Closed

Experience the Potential for Profound Evolution:
Unveiling transformational shifts inward & outward

The Marys lead you through how you can transform your spark of curiosity into invaluable insights and actions. This program is meticulously designed to guide you through a profound personal evolution, offering insights and strategies that illuminate the path from your current state to your desired future.

Before the Course:

After the Course:

Unclear Path: Before the course, participants may find themselves on an unclear path, unsure of how to harness curiosity.
Clear Direction: The course provides a clear path, guiding participants to effectively harness curiosity for personal and professional development.
Unrealized Self-Discovery: The depth of self-discovery might be limited, with individuals not fully tapping into their potential for personal growth.
Profound Self-Discovery: Participants experience profound self-discovery, unlocking hidden facets of themselves and tapping into their full potential.
Questioning vs Asking Questions: Curiosity might be present, but when individuals question, differing catalyst aspects are stirred, such as doubt, shame, uncertainty & anything else born from separation.
True Curiosity: The course equips individuals with a union approach to curiosity, allowing them to ask meaningful questions and seek intentional answers.
Unproductive Choices: Decision-making could be less intentional, leading to choices that may not align with personal goals and the individual’s true Self.
Intentional Decision-Making: Armed with newfound knowledge and tools, participants make intentional choices that align with their goals and truth of who they are.
Potential Unrealized: Participants may not fully realize the untapped potential within them or the transformative power of curiosity.
Realized Potential: The transformative journey helps participants recognize, realize, and unleash their untapped potential, leading to a more purposeful and fulfilled life.

Reserve your spot now!

Seize the opportunity to unlock your potential! Join The Mary Group on a transformative six-week journey, beginning on February 27th via Zoom at 7:00 PM CST. Dive into the realms of curiosity, intentional choices, and self-discovery. Don't miss out – embark on this empowering adventure and shape the path to becoming a conscious creator.

For questions about the series or questions before registering, please reach out





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